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View any properties that contain the word(s) "{0}"

Last updated: July 2017

KFNZ Ltd t/a Knight Frank provide content for general information purposes only, and do not purport to contain all of the information that a prospective client may require. In addition, the information you have received has been provided to Knight Frank by the vendor or landlord and Knight Frank does not guarantee its accuracy. Knight Frank has not undertaken an independent review of this information and prospective clients must make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves as to its accuracy. To the extent permitted by law, Knight Frank expressly disclaims any liability for any loss or damage which may arise out of any person acting on or relying upon any part of the information you have received. Areas, amounts, measurements, distances, and all other numerical information are approximate only. Any photographs show only certain parts of the property as it appeared at the time they were taken. Except where otherwise provided all references to rent, income or price are GST exclusive unless otherwise stated.

KFNZ Ltd is a registered company in New Zealand No 4153578 and is a licensed agent under the REAA 2008.